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The first modern square in Rome: Piazza del Campidoglio

Campidoglio- storicamente il colle più significativo dell'antica Roma. Nell'antichità qui c'era un centro politico e religioso. Sul sito dell'ex tempio di Giunone-Moneta, oggi sorge la Basilica di Santa Maria in Arakeli, alla quale bisogna salire una ripida scalinata esterna.

Campidoglio - historically the most significant hill of ancient Rome. In ancient times there was a political and religious center here. On the site of the former temple of Juno-Moneta, today stands the Basilica of Santa Maria in Arakeli, to which you must climb a steep external staircase. In its first side chapel on the right - the Bufalini Chapel - the main work of the Renaissance artist Bernardino Pinturicchio is preserved: “Scenes from the life of St. Bernardina. Another external staircase, guarded by the monumental figures of the brothers Castor and Pollux, leads to Piazza del Campidoglio, which, designed by Michelangelo, was transformed into one of the most beautiful Renaissance squares. The ancient equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius, located in the centre, is a copy, the original is preserved in the Capitoline Museums. The Palazzo dei Senatori, at the end of the square, was built in the 16th century. on the ruins of an ancient tabularium, State Archive of Ancient Rome, today the residence of the mayor and the city council. On both sides of the double staircase there are ancient statues symbolizing the Nile and the Tiber. In the center of the area in front of the palace there is a fountain with the statue of the goddess Minerva.

The area is flanked by the Capitoline Museums. The masterpiece of the Palazzo Nuovo sculpture collection is a Roman copy of the famous Aphrodite of Cnidus by Praxiteles. In the courtyard built in the 16th century. The Palazzo dei Conservatori preserved fragments (head and hand) of a gigantic marble statue of the Emperor Constantine (12 m). On the second floor of the Sala dei Trion di Marius, you can admire the famous Roman sculpture "The Boy Removing a Splinter", and in the Sala della Lupa, the no less famous Capitoline Wolf. The bronze figures of Romulus and Remus were added to the Etruscan original in the 15th century. The Capitoline Art Gallery on the third floor displays paintings by Titian, Tintoretto, Caravaggio, Lorenzo Lotto and Veronese.

The New Museum has been opened in Palazzo Cappello, behind the Palazzo dei Conservatori, which contains Greek sculptures from the 5th century BC. BC, sarcophagi, funerary urns and many other archaeological finds.


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